Clara Carvalho is Auxiliary Professor at the Department of Anthropology of the ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, and Chair of the Center of International Studies (CEI-IUL). She has been invited Professor at the Université de Lille (2002-2003) and the Brown University (2004). She has conducted research about the recreation of tradition in Guinea-Bissau from 1992 till 1997 (not continuous) (“A Revitalização do Poder Tradicional e os Regulados Manjaco da Guiné-Bissau, Etnográfica, Lisbon, 2000; “Reflexions sur les histoires d’origine à Pecixe (Cacheu, Guinée-Bissau)”, Migrations Anciennes sur les Hautes Côtes de Guinée, Gérald Gaillard & Marie-Paule

Ricardo Falcão (Lisboa, 1980) is an anthropologist and filmmaker. Since 2007 he has been building an ethnographic corpus related to Senegal, country where he has a long experience of fieldwork, and where he learnt the wolof language. He is also a research fellow at Cei-Iscte. As a filmmaker he has recently co-directed the documentary YOON, produced by C.R.I.M. Productions. In 2009, he co-directed Waalo Waalo. More info https://rikfalk.com/

Born in Bissau in 1985 she has a Bachelor Degree in Social Communication and Marketing. She is currently Ma Candidate in African Studies at ISCTE-IUL and has previously worked as a researcher in Voz di Paz – Initiative for the Consolidation of Peace, a guinean NGO, for nine years. She collaborated with ECOWAS Center for Gender Development, for four months, on the framework of the project “50 million African women speak”, as a local content manager for the Guinea Bissau team. She has also been an activist in the Guine Bissau youth networks.

Blanca Sell Fernández is a Spanish Ma student in International and African Studies (both from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). She spent her Erasmus+ exchange in the Universidade de Lisboa, where she focused on Gender and African Studies. Blanca has had the opportunity of living in several countries, including South Africa, and had the chance of working with different NGOs dedicated to the promotion of women’s sexual and reproductive rights and on gender equality in Africa, namely the Fundación Mujeres por África and Save a girl, Save a generation.